How I Cured Chronic Eczema Using Sunlight & Vitamin D Supplements

2 years ago

In this video I explain how I was able to rid myself of chronic eczema on my hands and fingers using sunlight and vitamin D supplements. I rid myself of eczema on my right shoulder and right forearm years ago by changing my diet, but my eczema on my hands and fingers remained. It was only by a process of trial and error which took me many years that I found out that the eczema on my hands and fingers was a result of a Vitamin D deficiency and it was only by my observation that this eczema cured completely in the summer and came back in the winter was I able to figure this out. It was only by a combination of experimenting with vacationing somewhere warm in the winter and using Vitamin D supplements that I was able to finally figure out how to keep the eczema off my fingers year round. It had basically taken me my whole life to figure this out. It was only through this process of trial and error that I finally figured out how to keep eczema off my hands permanently year round.

Please watch the video I made about the science and history of Vitamin D and how it was discovered that Vitamin D deficiency was behind many health problems that humanity currently suffers from:

Other good videos about sunlight and Vitamin D you should also watch:

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