A Bitcoin Conversation with Natalie Brunell - Bitcoin Breakout - Epi-6

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Today we are joined by Natalie Brunell host of Coin Stories and The Hard Money Show. Natalie has had a fantastic journey starting out as an award winning main stream journalist. She has over time transitioned to fully independent journalism and dedicated her time and talent to exploring everything Bitcoin and the Lightning Network.

Her popular show, Coin Stories, features interviews with Bitcoin thought leaders about their backgrounds, conviction for BTC, and headlines related to finance and economic issues facing society. Coin Stories is the #1 woman-hosted Bitcoin podcast in the world.

Natalie is also a video contributor to Bitcoin Magazine and is working on her first book about Bitcoin.

Previously, Natalie was an award-winning TV journalist and investigative reporter. For more than 10 years she covered in-depth local and national news topics and holds an Emmy for breaking news coverage.

Natalie is also an adjunct professor of advanced communication and visual storytelling at the University of Southern California. She holds a Master’s of Science in Journalism from Northwestern University.

Natalie is available for media commentary on economics, Bitcoin educational opportunities, speaking engagements, and coaching.

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