THE CAT'S OUT OF THE BAG! | Lance Wallnau

2 years ago

Listen to the dream about battering ram angels then comment if you want to join Mario and me on a glorious chaos revival and reformation tour!

I may fly to Philadelphia and drive a revival bus full of intercessors to the meeting.
That’s right, Mario Murillo and I are heading to Pennsylvania because God says a great move is coming. Lancaster, Redding, Harrisburg get ready.

Guess what? Bill Maher is going to be on Tucker! Trump drove him to do it.
Also, Jordan Peterson is at war with transgender surgery and Twitter after they FROZE his account.
And Tim Sheet's had a dream I posted that you need to see where he's talking about battering ram angels!

Podcast #668: The Cat's Out Of The Bag! | Now available! Listen to more episodes of the Lance Wallnau Show at

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