MAGIC is in the flow!

3 years ago

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#spirituality #synchronicities #flowstate

The synchronicities that come when we let go and trust, be like water and flow with the current of life are always there for us to take. We just need to give over control to the will of source energy, and let it move through us.

I was dealt a BIG lesson in 2008. When someone I trusted burned me and left me in a conundrum which left me feeling despondent, my partner at the time showed me another way to approach the situation. Give over control to the force that moves through us all.

Surrender. Trust. She brought someone into my life who allowed me to meet Amber Coubrough, my cover illustrator for all my books. Amber is one of the most essential people in the team that is Oho Ake Books. Her covers are WONDROUS.

Had I resisted the flow of my life in 2008, I wouldn't be where I am today.

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