How To Crate Train a Puppy

2 years ago


🐾Train a Saint Bernard Puppy

Saint Bernards are loyal dogs that make great pets. They can be stubborn although they’re intelligent, so it’s important that you train your Saint Bernard puppy early to help combat this stubbornness. Work on house training your puppy, teaching them basic commands, and creating a positive environment for them.

Teaching Your Puppy Basic Commands Try clicker training.

To ensure all training is positive, try clicker training to teach your puppy basic commands. Use a device that makes a clicking noise when your pooch has done something correctly to reinforce its behavior. Avoid punishing your pup when it makes a mistake. Teach the sit command.

The “sit” command is the easiest to teach your dog, so it should be first. In a firm, clear voice, tell your Saint Bernard puppy to “sit.” Then, gently help them place their bottom on the floor. Praise them. Keep repeating until your puppy sits when you command it. You can use treats to reward your puppy. When you get them on their bottom, give them a treat immediately. This way, they can associate sitting with a positive reward. Do this every day until your puppy learns it. You should start with short sessions of around five minutes since your puppy is young, but you can increase the amount of time spent on these sessions as they learn. Be patient and don’t lose your temper if your Saint Bernard doesn’t get it quickly. You can use treats to reward your puppy. When you get them on their bottom, give them a treat immediately. This way, they can associate sitting with a positive reward.Do this every day until your puppy learns it. You should start with short sessions of around five minutes since your puppy is young, but you can increase the amount of time spent on these sessions as they learn. Be patient and don’t lose your temper if your Saint Bernard doesn’t get it quickly.Train your puppy to come.

Training your Saint Bernard puppy to come when called is imp Saint Bernards are loyal dogs that make great pets. They can be stubborn although they’re intelligent, so it’s important that you train your Saint Bernard puppy early to help combat this stubbornness. Work on house training your puppy, teaching them basic commands, and creating a positive environment for them.

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- Link:5/5f/Train-a-Saint-Bernard-Puppy-Step-1-Version-4.jpg/aid45391-v4-728px-Train-a-Saint-Bernard-Puppy-Step-1-Version-4.jpg - licensed by ---- -Last updated:


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- Link:b/b9/Train-a-Saint-Bernard-Puppy-Step-2-Version-4.jpg/aid45391-v4-728px-Train-a-Saint-Bernard-Puppy-Step-2-Version-4.jpg - licensed by ---- -Last updated:


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- Link:9/9d/Train-a-Saint-Bernard-Puppy-Step-3-Version-4.jpg/aid45391-v4-728px-Train-a-Saint-Bernard-Puppy-Step-3-Version-4.jpg - licensed by ---- -Last updated:


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- Link:8/8c/Train-a-Saint-Bernard-Puppy-Step-4-Version-4.jpg/aid45391-v4-728px-Train-a-Saint-Bernard-Puppy-Step-4-Version-4.jpg - licensed by ---- -Last updated:


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- Link:7/7e/Train-a-Saint-Bernard-Puppy-Step-5-Version-4.jpg/aid45391-v4-728px-Train-a-Saint-Bernard-Puppy-Step-5-Version-4.jpg - licensed by ---- -Last updated:


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- Link:f/f9/Train-a-Saint-Bernard-Puppy-Step-6-Version-2.jpg/aid45391-v4-728px-Train-a-Saint-Bernard-Puppy-Step-6-Version-2.jpg - licensed by ---- -Last updated:



Expert Reviewer--/Special:ArticleReviewers?name=deannepawlisch%2Ccvtdeannepawlisch%2Ccvt ---- Deanne Pawlisch, CVT



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