SpirItuality and Practicality. Bringing Value.

3 years ago

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#spirituality #mindfulness #practicality

After 13 years of insanely hard work writing, researching, compiling and creating written content I am in need of a reset. I have decided to stop writing, focusing on making youtube content, and editing my podcasts (I have around 40 to edit).

That and I'm also holding down a day hustle of editing and creating content, studying marketing processes, up-skilling behind the scenes and have something akin to a life! I feel empowered to move into this next phase of my life. It is exciting to move into the unknown.

I'm not sure whether I will ever write anything again, or finish 'Rigmarole', the novel I started writing with Dick Swabb 18 months ago. I honestly don't have the energy for it! Here's where I am going next...

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