Truth vs. NEW$ Part 1 (3 July 2022) with Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and Holly Seeliger

2 years ago

The West is deliberately provoking nuclear war with Russia as part of the global elite's Great Reset. The coup of 2014 was followed by deliberate artillery attacks on the Donbas, which killed thousands of Russian-speaking residents and--together with the risk posed by some 30 biolabs funded by the US--provoked Russia into taking action to protect them and itself from biological attack. The action appears to have been driven--at least in part--by the collapse of the US dollar and the rise of the BRICS coalition, which, with the imminent addition of Saudi Arabia, provides an alternative to the petrodollar and brings together most of the nations of the world in a broadly anti-corporationist association, which will rapidly become the dominant economic arrangement of the world. Meanwhile, the US economy has officially entered a recession, which has been widely anticipated and, by itself, will have major ramifications for the cost of living and the quality of life in America. The Supreme Court has followed up its ruling on concealed carry by returning four cases--in CA, NJ, MD, and HI--to their states for reconsidering. And, most impressively, the Court has begin to tackle the most pressing factor affecting law and order in the United States, the bureaucratic authoritarianism of the executive branch, by cutting back its power, most significantly in West Virginia v. EPS, which will impose a major obstacle to and probably bring to an end the introduction of "the Green New Deal" via administrative rather than legislative action.

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