The Raw Deal Independence Day! July 4, 2022

2 years ago

On the occasion of the celebration of our nation's founding, I reviewed two remarkable studies, one of Trump's efforts to take hold and take down the deep state--which consists of thousands of bureaucrats who cannot be held accountable--by creating a new administrative structured called "Schedule F", which would have enabled him to fire those who were not performing in accordance with the administrations policies but running their own "rogue" operations--and bring the control of the government back to the three branches as the Constitution envisions--the legislative, judicial, and executive--rather than have a fourth branch of government creating an administrative state non-responsive to and independent of the electoral process. This meant the entire bureaucracy was petrified over the prospect of his reelection and made stealing the outcome virtually inevitable even while affirming his dedication to "draining the swamp", as he so often reminded us. The other is a fascinating study of the Plandemic by Margaret Anna Alice, "A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation", which has to be one of the most powerful critiques of what we are living through ever composed by the hand of (wo)man. Excellent. Good calls during the last segment from Paul in CA and Ken in MI, with best wishes to one and all on this occasion for reflection.

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