Rare Bergepanther footage - Ausf A - G Sd.Kfz. 179.

4 years ago

Rare Bergepanther footage - Ausf A - G Sd.Kfz. 179.

Because half-track vehicles previously used for salvage like the Sd.Kfz. 9 Famo were rarely able to successfully rescue a Panther or a Tiger and most of the time 7 Famo half-tracks were needed and towing with another Tiger or Panther wasn't allowed.

The development of the Bergepanzerwagen Panther began in 1943 due to problems with the salvage of heavy and medium tanks. The development was carried out by MAN and Henschel, Daimler-Benz and DEMAG would later take over.

The first Bergepanthers were produced on-top of the Ausf D or A chassis and would have been the Ausf D Bergepanther. ( the type of body doesn't apply to the type of vehicle)
The turret would be replaced by a 40,000 kg winch and cable system, these first variants only had wooden coverings over the hatch that opened to let engineers take out tools from inside the vehicle. later variants would get a spades and 20 mm KwK 38 cannon and an additional MG 42 machine gun.

The Bergepanther was quite reliable, due to its armor, it could also be used under enemy fire. Even the heavy tiger and its variants could be recovered without any problems.

But postwar test say different and that the vehicle was terrible as a recovery vehicle, the British even called it completely useless.

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â–  Information obtained from several sites.
â–  Wikipedia
â–  tanks-encyclopedia
â–  the.shadock.free.fr/Surviving_Panzers
â–  preservedtanks
â–  pantser.net
â–  the.shadock.free.fr/Tanks_in_France

â–  Some music is from the YouTube Audio Library.

â–  Music used:

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