SCP104 - Blockbuster news day! Med journal publishes heart attack study, Globalists in full panic!

2 years ago

500 sub special, we thank our listeners the best way we know how: the biggest blockbuster news day ever will launch your IQ into the stratosphere! Circulation journal proves and publishes Vax causes heart attacks, end is near for globalist injection program - globalists in full panic! Boris Johnson health and finance minister resign, his end seems near in England. Christine Anderson has a message for Canadian freedom fighters. Dutch convoys take over the country, Police shoot at farmer in massive escalation. James Topp court marshalled by military. Travel chaos deliberate sabotage by government? We explain why they might be behind it. FBI app to track your children. So much more you can't miss this, one of our best episodes ever!

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Intro music: Ecliptic - Magnus Moone

Articles discussed: (EU MP Christine Anderson address to Canadian freedom fighters) (Steve Turley on leftists moving to Canada) (Travel chaos tied to digital travel pass)

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