DARK JOURNALIST! The truth runs deep!

2 years ago

#consciousawakening #darkjournalist #mysteryschools

In 2018 a work colleague introduced me to Dark Journalist (Daniel Liszt). My world has never been the same since. If there was a missing puzzle to my conscious awakening experience, my understanding of the machinations of the global deep state around events, hidden technology, mystery schools, the UFO file, history and so much more, I found it. Dark Journalist is a tour de force whose research and guests he has on his youtube channel have propelled my conscious awakening process into the stratosphere. Like David Icke, his recall on facts, names, historical events and the people is astonishing.
It is thanks to Dark Journalist that I have been introduced to the work of Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, Elana Freeland whose research was integral in the writing content of the novel I started writing in 2019/2020, Rigmarole, with Dick Swabb. In this podcast I share the deep insights brought about by the work of Dark Journalist, his research and his incredible three hour videocasts that are always mind blowers!


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