July 6, 2022

2 years ago

Three Questions: Peter Doocy 07-05-2022 Press Briefing

1. How did the president go from blaming high gas prices on putin to big oil to small business owners now?

Well, here’s the thing about that, Peter. Is when you look at, um, as of this morning, when you look at the crude oil. and when you look at whole sale oil prices as well, they have declined about 15 percent. Retail gas prices, however, have only declined about 3 percent over the same time period as we have seen with the crude oil prices and the whole sale gas prices. and meanwhile, those same retailers profits have gone up about 40 cents in that same period of time. so what the president is saying, that everyone along that production chain-line need to make sure they are doing “what is possible” “their part” in bringing down the cost for the American People. That is what the administration is asking for consumers. Consumers should not be the first to pay and the last to benefit.

2. Jeff Bezos says the President’s tweet about this is either straight ahead misdirection or a deep misunderstanding of basic market dynamics. Which is it?

As you know, we “the admin” completely disagree with Jeff Bezos, “We will continue to call on everyone along the distribution chain of oil companies, refineries, distributors, to retailers” to pass their lower costs through to consumers. “That is what is important to make sure that we should not have consumers pay first and get relief last”

3. Why is there a voicemail of the President talking to his son about his overseas business dealings if the President has said he's never spoken to his son about his overseas business dealings?

Well first I will say is that whatever the President says, stands. So, if that’s what the president said, that is what stands. And second..

Doocy, “But the New York Times article concerning Hunter Biden’s business dealings, where President Biden says "I think you’re clear”. How is that not talking to his son about his overseas business dealings?

Karine Jean-Pierre’s response: From this podium, I am not going to talk about alleged materials from the laptop. Peter, I refer you to his son’s representative.

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