The Biden Presidency: An Unmitigated Disaster (2021 A year in review)

3 years ago

The Biden Presidency: An Unmitigated Disaster (2021 A Year in Review). A year in review of the Biden Presidency. I review the disasters of this presidency and their effect on the nation and the potential issues we face in 2022. Since his very first day in office, you will bear witness to the blunders and missteps of a presidency that is considered the worst since President Jimmy Carter's. Not only is history going to remember this infamous presidency and the debauchery he brought upon the American people, but the embarrassment the United States of America by a President who has no bearings as to how to run the country. A year in review leading to another three years of incompetency in which Americans are now understanding is an epic fail by a President without a clue. From the canceling of the Keystone XL pipeline to the inflation rise placing common Americans in jeopardy. What awaits us next? Can we expect more blunders to come? Is the staging of a coup by the Democratic-Socialist Party? Watch as I review his tragic beginnings and his current path of destruction of the country's economy and will of the people.

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