心有淫念的基督徒会被咒诅(WarningThePeople)Christians With Lust are Cursed

2 years ago

原视频: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nyl_O-PI4I8

2022年7月5日 WarningThePeople

众所周知,至少基督徒都知道,通奸和奸淫是从内心开始,而不是从身体动作开始。 然而,正是知道并相信这一点的基督徒,却不假思索地购买租借影片,观看影视明星们通奸和奸淫。 他们不仅眼睛好色,他们自己也好色。 很多人认为,很多人认为,如果他们自己身体没有犯奸淫,他们在上帝面前就没有问题,如果这只发生在他们头脑中,上帝会原谅他们。 但是上帝从不偏待人,如果我们内心犯奸淫和通奸,他绝不会免去你我的刑罚。 我们需要确保我们夺回每一个被掳的心思意念,立即远离滥交的人,并确保我们自己不受玷污。 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

Christians With Lust are Cursed

It is pretty well known, amongst Christians at least, that adultery and fornication starts in the heart, it doesn’t start with the physical action. However, this same Christians who know this and believe this, they have no problem renting movies so they can watch movie actors and famous people fornicate and commit adultery. They have a lustful eye and they themselves are lustful. A lot of people think that if they themselves are not committing adultery then they are OK with God, that if it’s just something in their MIND then God will forgive them. But God treats all of us the same and He is not going to make ANY exceptions for you or for me if we are adulterers and fornicating at heart. We need to make sure we take every thought captive, immediately look AWAY from promiscuous women and make sure we keep ourselves undefiled. May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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