as #TargetedIndividuals

2 years ago

THEME:- Many people in India and around the world have reported to hear voices in their head, hallucinations and dreams which may have been induced through directed telecasting of hateful messages using the electromagnetic spectrum and various other subsequent effects which are becoming more common place as India is becoming a superpower and feeling increased sense of friction with its neighbors. This film documents the effects of what an everyday individual is facing while going through such an effortful life.

SYNOPSIS:- Who is a Targeted Individual? What do we mean by targeting?
Any person who has faced isolation due to false rumours, may be termed as a targeted individual. This may lead to temporary depression. This documentary is just a small collection of collected testimonies of the many people who have been willfully isolated to allow perpetrators to stalk them for monetary gains. Unfortunately, the stalkers go scot-free since recorded proofs of harassment are not available and it is impossible to predict when gangstalkings may take place.
People have also reportedly heard crystal clear conversations of young men and women who give instructions and are able to talk to many other victims who may have never thought that they would fall prey to such a new-age crime. According to various patents [mainly in USA and Germany but also of many other developed countries] directing sound energy to the skull is possible through electromagnetic excitation of the areas of the brain responsible for processing audible sounds [Frey Effect]. The police rarely register a complaint of electronic assault and psychotronic abuse since there is no law regarding this in India.
It is our duty to help such victims since it is not possible for numerous such victims to have medical health issues as is the general notion of some doctors. Conspiracy theories about foreign intelligence agencies being behind such attacks to generate a hateful attitude inside these individuals cannot be ruled out. Shootouts in the USA have been carried out previously and recently by people who have reportedly heard their perpetrators talking to them and distributing instructions to other such victims. Initially they fool the victim into believing that they are their own security forces, the intelligence or the police. This is also done by stalking the victims and performing street acts near police stations and traffic junctions where perpetrators seemingly wait for the victim to pass. The victim is initially fooled into believing that some people of the police are known to the perpetrators. Due to constant speaking by these perpetrators, the mental health of the victim degrades and the victim becomes more vulnerable to commit an act of crime against the people whom he thinks are responsible for this condition.
We need to urgently create a GIS based map of such victims and understand how the perpetrators are able to communicate. This mapping will help us resolve many issues [the first such geotagging was done in England when in the 1800’s there spiked huge cases of water borne diseases. Geotagging victims helped understand which wells were responsible for those infections and needed to be closed urgently]. In case we are late in doing such surveys, we will allow the bad actors to continue their process of generating crime through such devastating technology.

We need to understand that schizophrenia and related mental disorders have had a longer history and the advent of electronics and microwave technology came much later. Thus, the increase in similar cases should indicate increased incapacity of Indian authorities in coping with existing criminals who have had the audacity of increasing their economy by involving more victims every day. There is an extreme need to revamp our medical system to come at par with other advanced countries where acknowledgement towards such crimes is to become a reality soon. A Bangalore based NGO, Society of Safe Bharat Against Covert Torture & Energy Weapons helped collect video evidence for this documentary. They also wish to inform medical providers of the factual and legal background behind many complaints of physical and psychological symptoms that patients relate to non-lethal weapons. It has come to their attention that medical providers often dismiss these allegations as unrealistic and false and attribute them to mental instability.
It is difficult to legally prove targeting by psychotronic weapons when the perpetrators operate from remote, unseen locations and therefore the targeting can be dismissed as delusional. Given the wide scope of alleged targeting, there is a certain risk of sounding too conspiratorial, however, common denominators exist, such as similar physical and psychological claims, surveillance scenarios, and harassment techniques. They strongly urge all to not summarily dismiss a patient’s claims of being targeted with non-lethal, directed energy weapons for the following reasons:-
1. Evidence supports the conclusion that weapons exist that could be used against individuals, based on U.S. Patent and Trademark Office filings, public releases by agencies, and other technologies that indicate the level of technological sophistication. The weapons are believed to be based on electromagnetism, microwaves, sonic waves, lasers and other types of directed energy, and were characterized as “psychotronic” in Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s draft of House Resolution 2977, the Space Preservation Act of 2001.
2. Furthermore, it is undeniable that government agencies have tested citizens without permission in the past; for example, the CIA’s human experimentation discussed in Orlikow v. U.S., 682 F.Supp. 77 (D.D.C. 1988), secretly administered lysergic acid diethylamide discussed in United States v. Stanley, 483 U.S. 669 (1987), and military chemical experimentation as discussed in Congressional Committee Report 103-97, 103d Congress, 2d Session, S. Prt. 103-97 (Dec. 8, 1994). Similar is the case of Theodore John Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber, is an American domestic terrorist and former mathematics professor. Kaczynski's lawyers later attributed his hostility towards mind control techniques to his participation in a study described by author Alston Chase as a "purposely brutalizing psychological experiment" led by Harvard psychologist Henry Murray's study in his second year at Harvard. Sources have suggested that Murray's experiments were part of Project MKUltra, the Central Intelligence Agency’s research into mind control.
3. Lastly, the sheer numbers of people complaining of being targeted, and the similarities in symptoms, including testimony of people with post-graduate degrees, or pursuing them and a lifetime of achievements, tend to outweigh a dismissive response based on charges of anecdotal evidence or group paranoia. These symptoms are a result of exposure to radiation due to exposure to harmful electromagnetism, sonic energy, other unusual types of energy, as well as psychological symptoms resulting from intentional harassment of bad-state actors.

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