The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene (Detailed Summary)

2 years ago

Lessons you will learn from the Laws of Human Nature

1. Understand your Irrational Mind
2. Are you a Narcissist?
3. How to read people's behavior
4. See the bigger picture and become less narrow sighted
5. Learn the toxic characters that you should avoid in your life
6. Your Dark Side


0:00​ Intro
1:24​ Law 1 - Irrationality
8:40​ Law 2 - Narcissism
12:57​ Law 3 - Role-playing
17:06​ Law 4 - Compulsive Behavior
20:34​ Law 5 - Covetousness
23:35​ Law 6 - Short-sightedness
28:38​ Law 7 - Defensiveness
33:58​ Law 8 - Self-sabotage
39:36​ Law 9 - Repression

Robert Greene is also the author of well-known books such as the 48 Laws of Power and Mastery.

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