Clinton 2024? Don't Bet Against it, Molech is Angry!

2 years ago

#Clinton2024 #hillaryclinton #Clinton Body Count
Hillary 2024. Can you imagine? Few things seem more patently absurd. Pregnant men come to mind. The 2-time presidential loser and 200 time Un convicted murderer is once again crossing the lips of Democrats as they survey the pathetic prospects they have heading into the 24 election.

Recently, Hillary professed that there was no chance she would run. But the main stream media has been stroking her enormous ego lately, some practically begging her to throw her hat in the ring, so the next verse of her song could change. Maybe. The chilling prospect of another run started in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade. Hillarie's bloodlust and long time commitment to child sacrifice should get her evil juices flowing. Conservative writer John Ellis took to the internet to make a case that it is time for Hillary Clinton to make a political comeback, a road no conservative should ever turn off on.

“Now is her moment,” he wrote. “The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade creates the opening for Hillary Clinton to get out of stealth mode and start down the path toward declaring her candidacy for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination.”

In a world where I had confidence that the election would be on the up and up, I wouldn’t worry about this at all. She should lose in a landslide not seen since the Reagan years. Her unfavourability rate is well over 50%, normally the death knell for any politician.

The case for choosing Hillary rests on a level of desperation not seen since Bill asked her out on her first date...what could create such a nightmarish scenario? First, Biden, the senile incumbent is going to be 82 shortly after the 2024 election. He is probably too old to run again, even if he live so long. I actually hope he does as this means the party is largely tethered to this buffoon. It’s hard to win with that albatross around their neck. Secondly, The Democratic bench is insanely weak. Try to come up with a legitimate candidate. Kamala? AOC? Bootyjudge? John Kerry, maybe...Killary may have more skeletons than Flanders Field, but like Biden, she is a career politician with name recognition and a deeply partisan following united in irrational hatred of Donald Trump.

Writing in The Hill newspaper, Democratic pundit Juan Williams makes the case that Clinton should become a major figure on the campaign trail this year.

“Clinton is exactly the right person to put steel in the Democrats’ spine and bring attention to the reality that ‘ultra-MAGA’ Republicans, as Biden calls them, are tearing apart the nation,” Williams writes, adding: “Keep talking and talk louder, Hillary!” Calm down, Juan, nobody really wants that.

So, how far-fetched is a Clinton candidacy?

Well, we know one thing- No candidate unites the Republican party – even with Donald Trump on the ticket – like Clinton does. So, this may be a bit of wishful thinking by Ellis. Maybe.

Even though Biden is a few years past a humans typical life-span, he is giving every indication that he’s planning to run again. I guess he’s fueled by the great love the American people have for him. The New York Times posted a piece Monday headlined “Biden Irked by Democrats Who Won’t Take ‘Yes’ for an Answer. How could they abandon him when things are going so well!!

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