Watch, therefore! Bible Study

2 years ago

Watch, therefore! Christ says it many times - why this is so important? Because if you don't watch, it's weeping and gnashing of teeth for you!

New version, re-uploaded, because I wanted to include a couple extra scriptures. Forgot to mention them, unfortunately, but atleast my mood is more lifted, less depressed, which might be a good thing.

I noticed while reading Revelation lately that Christ repeats the importance of watching in Rev 16:15 - right at the point of Armageddon! Also, in Revelation 1 and 22 he says "blessed is he who keeps the words of this book/ prophecy" - so consider those verses in light of everything else in the study. End Time prophecy - yes indeed there has been much vain speculation about it, but the seals of revelation are unfolding now, Daniel is unsealed - it's time (for the elect) to understand! And it's important to understand - necessary for salvation in this time.

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