Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's last words: Resist and fight for our children!

2 years ago

Yeah, hi, this is Dr. Zelenko and I'm making this video from my hospital bed.
I just want to give a quick update.
Many, many people have expressed their love
and prayers, and I'm very grateful. Thank you.
Unfortunately, I had an MRI and trans-esophageal echo cardiogram called the ... and I found a tumor in my right ventricle.
That's the lower right chamber of the heart.
And on top of that tumor is a blood clot.
That's not pretty good news.
It's not good news.
And the treatment would be to go on blood thinners,
which I'm on, to try to dissolve the clot.
And then we have to figure out
what to do with that tumor.
To be frank, if that clot breaks off,
that's a ticket to the next world.
Also, there are more tumors around my
lower left lobe and my lung.
So I'm in a precarious situation.
However, as King David writes, even though I
walk in the shadow of death, I shall
fear no evil, for God is with me.
And I do really feel that way.
And those words resonate in my soul
more now than ever in my life.
And there is a Tulmudic teaching that even if the sword
is on your neck, a person should never give up hope.
And so I'm in a very good state of
mind, and as I frequently said, they're going to
have to carry my body off the battlefield because
my resolve to help humanity, the vulnerable, the innocent,
decent people overcome this terrible darkness and plague that
is upon us has never been stronger.
And if I have to leave the world, I accept God's will.
But I encourage and plead with everyone else
to up your game and stand up and
resist first within yourselves against giving into fear
and then resist publicly against the policies of
attorney, which are coming again because it's pretty
obvious what's going to happen right now.
The World Health Organization, which is essentially
funded by the sociopath Gates, is gaining
more and more power over sovereign nations.
Gates I think five or six months ago that smallpox is
a big threat and then supposedly was eradicated in 1980.
And it was only found in two labs
in America and in Russia and DSL level
four labs, the highest maximum security labs.
And yet five days after the sociopath criminal
Gates said his prophetic words, a few vials
of smallpox were found in an unsecured refrigerator
in a Merck laboratory in Philadelphia.
And so it's not surprising to me
now that we're seeing monkey pox.
I anticipate global panic about it.
This will be the next media or narrative that
will continue the fear campaign and lockdown campaign and
mass campaign to create anxiety, isolate you from people
you love, and dehumanize you with these face diapers.
This is their playbook, and they're going to
keep on sending wave after wave of their
evil agenda until we make internal resolutions to
kick the evil out from within us.
We should.
My opinion denounce the worship of false gods, the god
of technology, god of science, god of corrupt governments, money,
power, fame and reconcile our hearts with our Creator, who's
making us anew every instant in time.
Basically, the world has now chosen sides.
Those that will worship the machinations of men and
those that will bow down to the Creator.
Let the calling begin.
The world needs a cleaning.
And when the process is done, the world
will be filled with the knowledge of God.
Just like the waters cover the seas.
And the sociopaths have a big thing coming for them.
They think they're gods.
They think that they're ruling the world.
We'll see.
So let the games begin.
And I have no problem falling in battle, because this
is a hill that we need to die for.
Because otherwise our progeny will
have nowhere to breathe free.

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