The Third Man: Death at the Double X Raunch

2 years ago


By February 2020, 23% of Americans believed that a novel coronavirus had been cultivated in a laboratory, which, like the three-stage reopening plan, takes a long ramp up for preparation. Plans require time, coordination and planning, and don't just happen impromptu. What prompted 23% to suspect the origins? Who knows. Women's intuition? Psychic powers?

In VA8, Victoria Virasingh, the challenger of Don Beyer for the Democrat nomination emerged in April 2020, around the time that you should begin, especially as an unknown entity, but Republicans emerge when? January of the election year, a situation I had described to VA8GOP in December 2015 as the equivalent of attempting to launch a loaded down B52 from the deck of an aircraft carrier, when they were determined to have a closed convention not held until May of 2016, shortening the time to mount any campaign that might find a chance for success, and history demonstrates that they ignored that advice, held a closed convention, and actually broke the all-time record loss for a Republican in VA8. Of course, I'm the bad guy for saying "I told you so." We get that a lot in the intelligence field, but maybe not the last Republican nominee, Jeff Jordan, who claimed to have been a counterintelligence officer, the Ranger Qualified Thomas Oh, who preceded him, claiming intelligence analysis as his specialty, nor the current nominee, Karla Lipsman, who claims to have a decade of national security experience.

So, if a pandemic was planned, how far back did the planning cycle go? The military decision-making rule is 80-20, or 80% of the time spent on preparation, and a chimeric coronavirus with an ophidian codon usage bias doesn't just pop out of a lab and go straight to production. And, it is public record that at UNC Chapel Hill a project was conducted with Wuhan Virology Institute in 2015 for the successful cultivation of a SARS-like coronavirus in vivo, which had been done before, but also in vitro, the very first time science had done that with any virus.

And, lo and behold, we find a mysterious person at DIA extending a job offer to a former biological warfare planner in January 2016, an email indicating that he was being considered in December 2015, for an "expired mission", and, after the deadline had tolled, in late February 2016, rather than proceeding to the next applicant, they offered that job to him again. A congressional candidate?

If it was a political game, then it would logically follow that the Republican nominee who won the nomination would have to have gotten at least a better deal than a lucrative job for a little less than six figures, but Charles Hernick has elected a right to remain silent for now.

And, if it had nothing at all to do with the election, then why else offer the job to a former biological warfare planner? Affirmative action? Make history as the first Negro to be hired in intelligence for a top secret expired mission?

You look like an intelligent person.

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