Green God. His real name is Iweng Jingzu. Half man, half tree, it roams the jungles of rune Land

2 years ago

Aion the Merciless was a famous fierce warrior who lived near the end of the ancient Volregad period. His clan believed in the warlike old gods and refused to submit to the rising power of the three Sisters, as other clans did.

However, dark witchcraft strengthens the three sisters' army, and their power cannot be denied. After a long and elaborate plot to overthrow the hated Icemen, Ion and his people finally set sail for the East -- to find the land where the sun rises, because it is said that all magic flows into the world from there. If Aion can claim this power for himself, he'll be unstoppable.

As his fleet sailed toward the horizon, it left the memory and became legend, for no one ever saw them again on this land.

In fact, Aion the Ruthless landed on Ionia. He and his fighters bloodied more than a dozen coastal settlements before discovering a sacred forest called Omikayaran, which means "heart of the world." It was in these quaint green gardens that they encountered their fiercest resistance. Again and again, under the canopy of twisted trunks, a multitude of half-human, half-animal hybrids sprang upon them.

Unwilling to back down, Ai On pushed on, eventually leading his disastrous expedition to the most sacred object of the Ionians: the legendary Willow.

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