Need to Know News (27 June 2022) with Joe Olson and Carl Herman

2 years ago

When the Russian Foreign Minister concludes that the EU and NATO are forming an alliance to prepare "for war with Russia", you begin to get the idea that something's up--and it doesn't look good. And when the US Attorney General pops up in Kiev to kiss Zelensky's ass, you know the outcome is going to be bad--very, very bad. As Paul Craig Roberts observes, not only is NATO aggressively engaged in bringing about war with Russia but the West has plans to divide the Russian nation into a series of mini-states, which is not going to go down well with its present leaders, who are not about to allow that to come to pass. So the prospect for war with Russia has been increasing by the day. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has made an excellent 2nd Amendment ruling that the right to keep and bear arms includes the right to concealed carry in public without special permission from the individual states as a constitutionally-guaranteed right that cannot be abrogated. This decision led to the complete mental meltdown of Keith Olbermann, whom I once considered among the most rational minds in the United States, if not the world. No more. And the DOJ has put out an absurd statement of disagreement with SCOTUS, which is not its role, When the Court rules, DOJ should obey. But this government is unconstitutional to the max. Mike Adams warns of signs that the government is tilting the battlefield for the war between the people and their government, which it apparently anticipates is in the offing. And in the UK, studies are detecting adverse consequences for children of government policies as though they were effects of parents failing to deal properly with their kids, which is, no doubt, intended to increase the role of the state in the rearing of children.

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