Need to Know News (22 June 2022) with Joe Olson and Holly Seeliger

2 years ago

We began with the blockade of Kaliningrad by Lithuania, which is both a member of the EU and a member of NATO, which appears to be a provocation for Russia to take strong steps in response, which I anticipate will happen in relatively short order. Germany and other EU nations are having to open coal mines given the shortage of Russian natural gas, which has been exacerbated by sanctions that did not allow Canada to return a compressor to Russia for the Nord Stream pipeline, which has had to cit from 167 million cubic meters of gas per day to only 100. Since Germany shut down its nuclear power plants, it has been hamstrung in saving the nation from the winter about to descend upon it. A whistleblower has exposed a plan for the DHS to partner with Big Tech to deny Americans the right to freedom of speech and freedom of the press in blatant violation of the 1st Amendment. Meanwhile, the world's leading swimming organization has ruled that transgenders may not compete against biological women but only in a new "open" category, which is a giant step in the right direction. Mike Adams despairs over the future of mankind, where his scenario looks all too plausible to me. And it's echoed by "the Second Smartest Guy in the World" and Naomi Wolf, which suggests a convergence in the belief that the future of the world appears very bleak, indeed.

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