The Raw Deal (15 June 2022) with Basil Valentine from the UK Heat Wave

2 years ago

Basil offers his view from across the pond in the UK, Seems to accord rather well on issues we address from the US point of view about the January 6th hearings, for example, the popularity of which is dropping faster than Biden's poll numbers. The Democrats are in free-fall and there appears to be no way to forestall the coming catastrophe at the polls in November. Count on them to pull out all the stops to prevent the wipeout that otherwise appears inevitable, most likely by a lockdown justified by a new variant (even though the nation is sick of the bullshit) or the imposition of martial law (based upon more and more fake, staged shootings, like Buffalo and Uvalde, where the\ phony parents couldn't even conjure tears over their loved ones and many suspect illegals were being primed to participate on the basis of promises of citizenship and other forms of bribery. Brian called in with a few questions and comments for Basil and me. I wished him well dealing with the heat--which is likely to increase considerably in the UK and world wide as the prospect of WWIII continues to grow.

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