Need to Know News (10 June 2022) with Joe Olson and Maryam Henein

2 years ago

A GOP House candidate is being raked over the coals for seeming to endorse a post suggesting (accurately) that Buffalo and Uvale were staged "false flag" events, which is true. A feeble Hollywood star has been trotted out to make an hyperbolic speech (where he had to look down to see what he was supposed to say) about the (fake) shooting in Uvalde, where his wife is wearing the same green converse tennis shoes that the parents of one of the (fake) victims claims was the only way they could identify her--except they just came out of the box and had never been worn by anyone, much less display even a speck of blood! The absurdities abound. To stiffel research on "false flags" and staged shootings, DHS announces a plan to crack down on websites that deal with these issues, which no doubt will include virtually everything I do. (They should call this the "Jim Fetzer Censorship Bill", when they turn it into law.) A simply sensational story about an 8-months pregnant woman coming to the defense of her family with an AR-15, which should go viral and off-set the nonsense being peddled daily by the White House and the mainstream media. Judicial Watch is exposing how the government has withheld the non-prosecuting of the Capitol cop who (allegedly) shot Ashli Babbitt, where the whole thing appears to be fake from start to finish. And we have more on another death related to the Clintons, the list of apparent victims of which has reached the point of boggling the mind.

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