The Raw Deal (6 June 2022) with Brian Davidson

2 years ago

Wonderful show where Brian and I put together a LAW ENFORCEMENT FALSE FLAG / STAGED SHOOTING CHECKLIST, which we would like to see in the hands of every sheriff, police officer, and governor of every state in the union. Biden and the Democrats have gone stark raving mad in their efforts to deprive the American people of their right to keep and bear arms under the 2nd Amendment. They are conducting one fake event after another--Sandy Hook, Orlando and Dallas, Parkland, Las Vegas, Buffalo and (now) Uvalde--to make the public think that mass shootings are becoming commonplace and that the only way to deal with it is to disarm law abiding citizens. This is completely absurd. We never hear about it from the media, but Americans use guns to defend themselves millions of times every year. They only have to show they are armed in most cases. But to take away the right to the defensive use of guns could cost an additional 200,000 lives per year--and the number will keep growing as long as their gun control laws get stricter and stricter. They are moving in precisely the wrong direction. Go to my blog at

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