Beyond the Official Narrative (31 May 2022) with Steven Douglas Whitner

2 years ago

AUDIO ONLY. Steven Douglas Whitner is guest hosting for Richard Kary, who is in the process of moving from New York to Florida (which I say is "a good move"). Steven began by asking about Uvalde and Buffalo, which I was glad to accommodate. Fairly detailed proof from Brian Davidson, P.I., frame-by-frame of Buffalo, where the video we have is actually the rehearsal video at 1:18 rather than the "official" event around 3:30. No shell casings ejected, bodies falling before shots are fired. no head blowing apart when shot from point-blank range. Completely staged and phony. Wanting to distract attention from Hillary being named as having authorized the Russiagate smear on Trump and inflation and soaring gas prices affecting everyone, they wanted to change the narrative. Meanwhile, my Petition for a Writ is before the Supreme Court of the United States, where you can review the bidding at my site. While I originally believed this was a 1st and 2nd Amendment case, it turns out that the Summary Judgment protocols in Wisconsin allow the judge to set aside any evidence he finds to be "unreasonable", which led him to disallow my proof that nobody died at Sandy Hook and even to set aside the reports of two forensic document experts. I am asking the court to reverse my case and to make summary judgment protocols uniform across all 50 of these United States.

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