Need to Know News (26 May 2022) with Joe Olson and Carl Herman

2 years ago

The Texas school shooting looks fake from the beginning: One report has him driving his (new) truck into the school, another driving it into a ditch. One story has him in custody, another shot dead in his tracks. He has just turned 18, but is supposed to have purchased not one but two AR-15s, which can run from $1,000-1,500. Some are cheaper; but the question becomes, Where did he get the money? Looks like a blend of Sandy Hook and Parkland, because police waited for some 40 minutes before entering the school (or so we are told). Obama immediately tweeted linking the school shooting to George Floyd and was severely chastised on social media. The NRA promptly denounced the shooting while a former Obama advisor called for ending immigration enforcement in a bizarre response to a purported mass shooting. Ironically, while the Democrats appear to be behind these staged events, the latest polling shows that voters believe Republicans are better dealing with gun control than are the Democrats.What is consistently suppressed is data about the defensive use of guns, where estimates run as high as 2,000,000 times a year saving around 200,000 lives--but the MSM would never share that information. DeSantis declares that Florida will never go along with a WHO "pandemic" treaty and Elon Musk continues to expose Twitter for massively inflating its numbers, which may be as much as only half of what it has claimed in the past. Michelle Obama exposes herself (once again) as a man with breast implants and a huge shaving bill by messing with the words "woman" and "women", of which she is not among them.

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