The Michael Decon Show (1 May 2022)

2 years ago

A fairly laid-back conversation about the war in Ukraine and domestic politics, where Russia seems to be firmly in control in Ukraine and the US seems to be committed, not to negotiations for peace, but for expending the lives of Ukrainians to draw out the conflict and weaken Russia, just as the US was weakened by Vietnam and (subsequently) by Afghanistan. No one in power seems to want a peaceful resolution, where Russia has (by far) the better military equipment and (by my estimation) can take out every NATO carrier and air fields in short order, should it come down to it. The US continues to come apart at the seams, where the documentary, "2000 Mules", opens tomorrow (2 May 2022) and blows the lid off the stolen election of 2022. Look for the Democrats to admit nothing and deny everything and blame it on Trump--or perhaps even Putin. We are living in a very strange time in America and those of us who know better do not like it one bit. The Democrats appear calm about impending disaster during the midterm elections, which means they have a plan to steal it, too, which I predict will be via a "new variant" requiring national lockdowns and voting by mail! It worked before and I expect they will go to the well again to replenish a party that is broken, corrupt, and in an advanced state of despair.

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