The Raw Deal (22 April 2022)

2 years ago

Very concerning that multiple large food processing and distribution plants across the nation are burning down or exploding. This appears to be one more element of the massive food shortage that is being arranged to hasten our demise by the powers behind The Great Reset, dominated especially by The Rothschilds Banking Empire. Food shortages are not a fantasy but predictable. Do what you can to stock up for the long haul with meat and canned goods. Think about those outlets which offer food you can store indefinitely and use when you need it. They are available on-line. This is urgent! The flurry of legal filings by Hillary's associates in crime offers further proof that they are in deep water and know it while trying their best to shrug it off. It's not going to work, but not for lack of trying. Tucker has accurately reported that lockdowns are coming (again), most certainly shortly before the mid-terms, when the Democrats are going to lockdown the whole country on the basis of some new "variant" and require all voting be done by mail! The former Lt. Col. Vindman trashes Trump as having "spiralled down", but the man he is really describing is not The Donald but Joe "The Flake" BIden. New studies are going to show that dropping the ACT and the SAT are moving less qualified students into higher education, the inevitable consequence of which will be to turn our colleges and universities into centers for remedial education. The dumbing down of America continues apace!

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