REAL DEAL SPECIAL: Nick Kollerstrom on Ukraine (11 April 2022)

2 years ago

Nick provides the historical background to current events in Ukraine, where the most important dates have included 2014 Luhansk & Donetsk co-sign the Minsk Agreement, together with Germany, France and Russia the road map to peace; Ukraine cuts off electricity, water gas and finance for eight long years; Ukraine bombs them continually for eight long years; Germany and France do not lift as finger to enforce the Agreement; February 2022, Russia recognizes their independence; Luhansk & Donetsk invite Russian troops in, to defend them; the genocide stops, yet the world condemns Russia. And now a series of (real or presumptive) atrocities have taken place, blamed on Russia but executed by the Azov Battalion, including in Bucha, were 30 March: Russian troops pull out; 31 March: Ukrainian National police begin entering Bucha; 1 April: Mayor of Bucha announces town is under his full control, no hint of massacre; 2 April: Atrocity images released, Russia blamed. The question becomes, How gullible are the people of the world to take such nonsense seriously? And yet we know it will continue as Russia wins the war.

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