The Scrub Biome or Shrubland Biome - Biomes #3

5 years ago

Often overlooked, the relatively arid regions of earth that are the Shrublands (also known as Scrub or Scrubland) take second or third place to forests or grasslands when it comes to beauty contests.


Too dry for trees to flourish, we’re left with a mix of shrubs and grasses, spanning the subtropics to the temperate latitudes. Having a surprising biodiversity considering their parched appearance, this biome is known by an equally diverse set of names, from scrub or scrubland, to bush, brush, matorral, garrigue, maquis, machhia, fynbos, mallee and chaparral and more. A place of heat and drought, yet still abundant life, these are the shrublands of our planet.

From the Mediterranean, to southern California, central Chile, the Cape of South Africa and Australia, the Mediterranean scrub biome dominates. While in the subtropics, from Texas and Mexico to the Caatinga of NE Brazil, the Gran Chaco of Paraguay, the Sahel of Africa, these are transitions between the Savannah and deserts.

👉0:00 Opening Montage
👉0:45 Introduction and Titles
👉1:42 What is Scrub?
👉2:37 Subtropical and Mediterranean Scrub
👉3:33 Holdridge Lifezones Chart
👉4:02 Brush Fires
👉4:25 Subtropical Scrub in the Americas
👉5:17 Subtropical Scrub in Africa
👉5:37 Subtropical Scrub in India & Australia
👉6:02 Mediterranean Scrub in the Americas
👉6:32 Scrub in the Mediterranean Basin
👉7:10 Mediterranean Scrub in South Africa & Australia
👉7:34 Subtropical Scrub Plant Species
👉8:47 Mediterranean Scrub Plant Species
👉10:57 Scrubland in Popular Culture
👉11:50 Outro

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LONS08 - A new world natural vegetation map for global change studies -

Holdridge Life Zones -

Additional charts, maps and images along with the narrative script - click here:

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Research and Media Procurement Assistance, Spanish CC Translation: Richard Torres

Narrated, Written and Produced by

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