David Zublick's Inner Circle (6 April 2022)

2 years ago

With Nikolas Cruz on trial, a review of the bidding about Parkland seems to be appropriate. Because it was a holiday, St. Valentine's Day, the 3,500 kids were let out early at 1 PM. Only about three dozen would appear in the footage, not the thousands of photos and cell-phone videos one would have expected had all of the students been there. They used an officer in a complete SWAT suit and a sim-gun firing simunition, which is made out of bees' wax and laundry detergent, It will raise a welt but not penetrate the skin. So you had fake victimes with fake wounds attested to by fake doctors. They even forgot to post the obituaries, because nobody died. Sheriff Scott Israel, who drives a Lamborghini, keep his deputies out of the building because they were not in on the scam and might have shot the fake shooter. One very dear student was walking off campus with Nikolas Cruz while shots were still being fired. An inconvenient witness, she is reported to have committed suicide (most unlikely) and might have been taken out (or put into some kind of witness protection program). I have reached out to his Public Defender--and will send her a copy of this video, once it's posted--but this appears to be one more completely managed events as stunts to promote gun control.

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