The Raw Deal (4 April 2022)

2 years ago

Zelensky rejected a peace offer extended via the German Chancellor to circumvent a military response if he would agree that Ukraine would remain neutral and not become a NATO nation, which he refused. Indeed, to force the hand of the West, he has orchestrated a slaughter blamed on Russia to induce the US and NATO to send heavy artillery and impose a no-fly zone--but it's not going to happen. The true character of Ukraine and its Nazi leaders becomes more and more apparent by the day. Putin warns the West of food shortages to come, which is part and parcel of the grand scheme to kill off most of the world's population via masks (slowly), the vax (more rapidly), and starvation (brutal but effective). The IMF warns that the sanctions being imposed upon Russia are going to affect international trade and (eventually) threaten the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. She is generous in her time-line, but the changes are going to occur with astonishing rapidity. The dollar is done and the effects upon Americans are going to be dramatic--with a substantial diminution to the quality of life of every United States citizen. Jim's course on Critical Thinking & Conspiracy Theories begins Wednesday at 8 PM/CT.

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