Need to Know News (30 March 2022) with Holly Seeliger

2 years ago

Matt Gaetz got the Hunter Biden laptop contents into the Congressional Record! Amazing! It has sufficient evidence to implicate about 2/3 of Congress in corrupt acts, not to mention child abuse, child rape, drug activies and much, much more. Russia has explained that the war in Ukraine spells the end to *the unipolar world*, where the US was calling the shots internationally. I agree he has that right. What remains in doubt is whether Putin and his associates fully fathom the threat of the World Economic Forum in conducting its vax depopulation campaign, where genocideal globalists remain at work, including right here in the USA, where Fauci is their point man. It now becomes clear that they are going to announce a new pandemic shortly before the Mid-term elections and lockdown the nation and require mail-in voting to steal the election (again). I can hardly believe I had not figured it out already. There it is. That is the plan! And Fauci has tipped us off! The National Center for Public Policy Research has issued a warning about Biden:s nominee for the Supreme Court, who doesn:t even believe in the Constitution and appears to be oblivious of its meaning. Meanwhile, Clarence Thomas may have been targeted for assassination, just as Justice Scalia was taken out--because he was dedicated to the 1st and 2nd Amendments, which liberals despise in spite of their professed dedication to democracy. They don:t believe in democracy--they only believe in control. Covid cases have dropped dramatically in VA since the governor removed the mask mandate, which ought to be a lesson for the nation. And more and more morticians and funeral directors are reporting deaths from bizarre blood clots that can only have come from the vax! We are under attack and appear to be helpless to defend ourselves as lambs who are being led to the slaughter! Washington wants to move to all electric cars by 2030, which is absurd on scientific grounds. Will Smith misbehaved at the Oscars but will probably not suffer any consequences. Alex Jones in trouble from fake Sandy Hook parents. Check out Jim:s course on Critical Thinking and Scientific Reasoning, which beings on April 6th.

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