Need to Know News TEXAS TUESDAY (29 March 2022) with Joe Olson and Michael Ivey

2 years ago

A federal judge in CA (appointed by Bill Clinton) has ruled that *more likely than not* Donald Trump committed a crime in seeking to reverse the outcome of the 2020 election during the 6 January 2021 intrusion into the Capitol. The Federalist long since debunked the idea that Trump had incited an insurrection, because *incitement* requires urging *imminent lawless action*, which was impossible given the distance between the Ellipse where he spoke and the Capitol, 1.5 miles away, and where he urged his followers to *protest peacefully*; and that none of those who were participating in the protest believed they were going to overthrown the government of the United States. It:s poppycock, but that*s all we are going to hear from the Democrats from now to November. Biden:s blunders are getting more and more serious, talking about what our troops will *see in Ukraine*, that there will be massive food shortages (which, alas, is true); and that Putin does not deserve to remain in power. Bad stuff, when it could provoke WWIII. Hunter:s laptop turns out to have 2x as many emails and 4x as many photos, which demonstrate degrees of treason beyond belief and show 2/3 of Congress corrupt beyond measure. Hunter even turns out to be involved in funding those biolabs in Ukraine! The CDC promulgated its directives for students in schools on the basis of old and bad data, which no doubt made no difference, since they knew what they were going to do completely independent of *the science*. Jim will be offering a course on Critical Thinking & Conspiracy Theories beginning on 6 April, a one-hour class each week for 15 weeks. Check it out on his blog at

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