Truth vs. NEW$ Part 2 (20 March 2022) with Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and Holly Seeliger

2 years ago

A retiring Democrat has blasted the DCCC for promoting "rainbows and unicorns" to the detriment of the party and incumbents, who are going to a massive defeat in November as a consequence of trying to appease its most progressive wing, Partick Byrne reports there is enough proof to destroy the certification of Biden in Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona, which collectively represent 37 electoral votes, where at least 3 other states appear to stand in need of similar decertification. Dr. Francis Collins was taken by surprise when questioned about emails he sent to take down the Great Barrington Declaration, which called for more focused and scientifically justified treatment of those who were afflicted with COVID rather than the draconian measures involving face masks, social distancing and lockdowns, where 80% of the cases, 80% of the hospitalizations, and 92% of the deaths in the UK are among the vaccinated rather than the unvaccinated. The Democrats are using 6 January in an awful and disgraceful attempt to prevent candidates they cannot beat from running. And the transgender movement is causing tremendous distress in sports, where trans-sexual men are destroying women's records because of their physical advantages. Jim will be offering a 15-week on-line course on Critical Thinking & Conspiracy Theories beginning 6 April 2022.

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