Pope Francis on Nancy Pelosi?

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Today on "Catholic Drive Time"

Divided Hearts of America with Jason Jones. Michael Hichborn explains the Pope’s comments on Nancy Pelosi in a recent interview.
ALSO – Brent Haynes will be on to discuss the universal voucher law and how it could impact the education system across the country.
On Roe Reversal... Pope Francis says, “I respect the decision but I do not have enough information to speak about it from a juridical point of view”
Suspect in custody after 6 killed, dozens wounded at Highland Park Fourth of July parade
Someone spray-painted a profane message on St. Bernard Catholic Church in Madison, WI. In addition to critiquing the church's stance on abortion, the message also accuses the church of being responsible for the deaths of Native American children.
Air Travel at Pandemic levels? Nearly 2.5 million people passed through U.S. airport security checkpoints Friday, the most since February 2020.
Only 38% of U.S. adults say they're "extremely proud" to be American, according to a recent Gallup poll.

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What’s Concerning Us – Catching up
Michael Hichborn – Pope's interview on Nancy Pelosi
Politicizing the Eucharist
Who is responsible for any political fallout when we defend the Church teaching?

Guest Seg. Jason Jones – The vulnerable peoples project – The Jason Jones Show
Hearts divided in America – new Fox News Documentary
The Vulnerable Peoples Project – updates
The team in Ukraine
Post Roe

2nd Guest Seg. Brent Haynes
Universal Voucher Law
How does this effect Public school in AZ? In the USA?
Why is there often not enough support for this on the Right?

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