Need to Know News (17 February 2022) with Joe Olson and Carl Herman

2 years ago

Sandy Hook families prevail in an absurd $73,000,000 settlement with Remington over the (staged) shooting, where there has been no judicial determination that anyone died at Sandy Hook, which was a FEMA drill presented as mass murder to promote gun control. Now they ARE coming for your guns on the basis of a piece of fiction, where the courts are playing along. The Ottawa Chief of Police has stepped down, no doubt because he was less enthusiastic about trashing the truckers than those in power would prefer. The Biden admin wants to suppress a report about the Dominion machines used in GA during the 2020 election, which would not be because it verifies that this was the cleanest election in American history. With the revelations about Hillary having run a spying op against candidate Trump and then President Trump, it's not surprising that Valerie Jarrett has refused to answer whether Barack Obama was involved in the operation--which means, of course, that the answer is "Yes!" More deaths are being caused by pollution than by COVID world-wide, so perhaps we need to refocus on the real problems rather than the manufactured. If you want to do something about the threat to the 2nd Amendment posed by this absurd settlement, then support my effort to carry my case to the US Supreme Court. You can read about it at I need your help.

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