Need to Know News (31 January 2022) with Joe Olson and Carl Herman

2 years ago

Canadian truckers form convoy to Ottawa to protest vaccine mandates and medical tyranny, where the PM Justin Trudeau has fled out of fear. At his Texas rally on Saturday, Trump endorsed them and (in effect) has become the leader of the nation in opposition to Biden's mandates, which was an obvious extension of his previous opposition but where the truckers have shown the way. Morning Joe has denounced them as a "cult", where he either doesn't know enough about their adverse effects or is deliberately lying to promote them. The Biden Cabal promotes the idea of an imminent conflict between Russia and Ukraine, but the President of Ukraine has asked him to "cool it" and explained that this appears to have more to do with domestic US politics than with relations between him and Putin. George Soros has funded some of the most corrosive efforts to bring about chaos in the US in fulfillment of his dream "to destroy America", where the Democrats have been with him every step of the way. Boris Johnson's relief of vax mandates and face masks may have been a cover for introducing a social credit system in the UK. The more things change, the more they remain the same.

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