AustraliaOne Party - Carl Liebold Interviews Riccardo Bosi

2 years ago

28 June 2022
Carl Liebold Interviews Riccardo Bosi

1. Intro – tech demonstration (0:00)
2. Child protection – Brave Hearts – WA WWC (2:28)
3. Roe vs Wade (the big lie) – implications in Australia (8:35)
4. US Supreme Court – prayer is ok and 2nd amendment (the right to self-defence (12:07)
5. 2022 federal election and AEC (16:04)
6. Russia and Ukraine (17:17)
7. Media narrative turning – pedophelia and trafficking (18:40)
8. LIVE show plug – Gold Coast (21:20)
9. Caroline Kennedy – Ambassador to Australia (22:44)
10. TGA turning around – the jabs (24:00)
11. What is the next step? Building the Ark (27:34)
12. Postmaster General (31:13)
13. Infiltrators and controlled opposition (31:41)
14. Canberra event – Michael Griffiths returns – Freedom movement (36:58)
15. Fearless honesty – Q&A – leadership (39:20)
16. AustraliaOne – Internationally recognised for good (42:14)
17. Transgender ‘cult’ and LBGT (46:23)
18. Defence Force – re-appointment of head (48:27)
19. Intentional destruction of the food industry (50:37)
20. Bankruptcy and joining A1 (53:20)
21. Freedom ‘distraction’ – analogy of operation (55:17)
22. Blooper moment – tech issues (59:30)
23. LIVE show plug – Bundaberg (1:01:00)
24. Medical profession – don’t trust them. Looking after yourself (1:03:17)
25. McDonalds report (Project Matilda) (1:07:36)
26. Viewer comments (1:08:31)
27. LIVE events and Q&A (1:09:28)
28. The Butterfly Circus (movie) - Nick Vujicic (1:10:44)
29. Helping Carl get on the road (1:13:57)
30. A1 National Tour (1:16:05)
31. Aussie Cossack update (1:17:19)
32. Real life – do the best you can, where you are, with what you’ve got (1:24:59)
33. Top gun Movie – taking time out (1:27:02)
34. Australian currency – fiat currency out; sound money back (1:29:03)
35. A1 Tax Plan – 2% expenditure tax (1:31:31)
36. A 1 Supporter Groups – NSW – becoming self-sufficient (1:36:35)
37. Interest rate increases and Common-Wealth Bank (1:38:32)
38. Australia’s gold in England – trillions stolen and laundered (1:41:38)
39. The Gordian Knot – never fight on the ground of the enemies choosing (1:43:07)
40. War is a long brutal business – creating a brand-new nation (1:46:03)
41. Quality and tempo of intel has lifted (1:48:42)
42. Media - The narrative a year ago – the tide has turned (1:50:21)
43. Q and lizard people on ‘Today’ Show (1:52:32)
44. WA WWC – update on meeting with A1 Chief of Staff (1:55:22)
45. Q drops and – Law of War Manual 2015 (2:01:50)
46. Where did all the pedophiles come from? (2:05:20)
47. Bringing things into the light and working together (2:10:28)
48. Anal testing for ‘monkey pox’ (2:11:43)
49. LIVE show plug – Gold Coast. Wrap up (2:12:28)

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