Need to Know News TEXAS TUESDAY (25 January 2022) with Joe Olson and Michael Ivey

2 years ago

The discovery that the Rothschilds patented COVID-19 tests in the Netherlands in 2015 and in the US in 2017--by that name and withholding publication of the patents until 2020--provides one more "smoking guns" that the "pandemic" was planned to bring demand for the vax and to promote The Great Reset! It's been a scam from inception. Biden's suggestion that the coming mid-terms might be stolen raises questions about the endless declarations of the past that Trump stole 2016 and that 2020 was completely fair and honest. A former Clinton admin office wants Tucker tried for treason for suggesting that war with Russia may be unwarranted, which sets a new standard for absurdity, especially when the current tensions over Ukraine seem to be advanced as a distraction from the collapse of the pandemic narrative, where Boris Johnson has withdrawn mandates for face masks, passports and working from him, stealing Biden's thunder for his State of the Union on 1 March, when he intends to declare himself as having Vanquished the Virus in a still-born attempt to regain some political traction with the American public, which ain't going to happen.

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