The Raw Deal (24 January 2022) with Orlando Owens

2 years ago

Review of the collapse of the COVID narrative, with Boris Johnson withdrawing the "Plan B" restrictions on face masks and passports from the UIK. The roll out of 5G may be involved, but even more likely, the ICC Complaint against Boris, Bill and Melinda, Tony the Rat and others (including the heads of the Rockefeller and of the World Economic Forum) for violations of the Nuremberg Code and the Rome Statute. The CDC has begun paving the way for Biden to declare the pandemic over at his 1 March 2022 State of the Union, in a desperate attempt to regain some of the public support he has lost (which is not going to return). The prospects for the mid-term elections are so devastating that Biden et al. are going to pull out all the stops to try to regain support, even to the extent of provoking a war with Russia, which the West would lose. Orlando Owens, who is running to be Treasurer of the State of Wisconsin, added thoughtful commentary on election fraud here, the events in Kenosha and in Waukesha, and what the future may hold for Wisconsin and the nation.

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