Need to Know News (14 January 2022) with Joe Olson and Maryam Henein

2 years ago

We begin with Biden's snub of the Supreme Court by encouraging states to enact their own vaccine mandates, which (in my view) offers further proof that he is a stooge and tool of Big Pharma and the Rothschilds Banking Empire. No concern whatsoever for the health and well-being of the American people. Sinema and Manchin guarantee that the Demonrats cannot get around the filibuster to pass their (permanent) election theft bill, which is rooted in the techniques they used in 2020 to steal the Presidency from Donald Trump. The election of a GOP Mayor in Columbia, S.C., offers more evidence that they DEMS are going down hard in 2022. Gruesome Newsom launching Operation Omicron in CA, involving teams going house-to-house to vax those who have resisted, no doubt making no distinction between those who have had COVID and acquired natural immunity and those that have not. The vax is a lethal weapon that represents a threat to your life. Don't allow yourself to be played!

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