The New JFK Show (12 January 2022) with Gary King and Larry Rivera, Part 4

2 years ago

The final of our 4-part review of Oliver Stone's new "JFK Revisited" does very little to redeem the rest, with a segment about the assassination of Patrice Lumumba in Africa perhaps the most interesting--but about an event before JFK assumed office! Nothing in this 2-hour dredge was not already known by 1980, which makes it 40 years out of date. The suppression of the sensational research since--including Mantik's discover of proof of a second shot to the head and that the autopsy X-rays were altered to conceal the true causes of his death, Doug Horne's reports on Commander Humes taking a cranial saw to the head of JFK to increase the size of the wound, the the massive proof we have of Z-film alteration by Larry Rivera, among others--were left out and thereby suppressed, which means that the script writer, Jim DiEugenio, deliberately abused his position to betray Oliver and the American public with a phony film, which, in my opinion, has the marks of the CIA all over it, including the insinuation that Allen Dulles was the brains behind the assassination rather than LBJ--where Lyndon even sent his Chief Administrative Assistant, Cliff Carter, down to Dallas to make sure all the arrangements were in place for the assassination. Oliver allowed himself to be played. If you want to know how things stood in 1980, better to read David Lifton's BEST EVIDENCE (1980), which was at least a sincere and highly successful attempt to get to the truth, which this, alas, was not.

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