Mike Rowe discusses Clark County School District Arbitration Fraud on Veterans In Politics talk-show

3 years ago

Clark County Teacher exposes school district fraud!

Clark County Nevada
June 23, 2021

Veterans In Politics video internet talk show interviewed Mike Rowe former Clark County School District, teacher.

Rowe explains how and why he was illegally terminated from his teaching job with the district without being charged with a crime.

Rowe said he was found guilty before his criminal arraignment in district court, the case against him was dismissed.

Rowe explained teacher tenure and said it is replaced with a collective bargaining agreement and the legislatures and the teachers union put in an arbitration clause.

According to our state laws Rowe should have received all back pay, interest, and seniority.

Rowe said that this action is not an isolated incident, hundreds of teachers are being affected.

Click on the link below to view the video testimony:

Mike Rowe corruption in the Clark County School District at the Board of County Commissioners

In other news:
VETERANS Join the Class-Action Lawsuit

Veterans In Politics International has teamed up with 3M justice and filed a Tort Litigation for compensation for Veterans that have hearing issues. It will cost you nothing to add your name to the Class-Action lawsuit and get the compensation you deserve.
Please click on the link below: https://www.military3mclaims.com/vip/

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