Can I qualify for individual rehabilitation?

2 years ago

Confirmation of individual rehabilitation qualifications (low advisor)

What is personal recovery plan?
The personal rehabilitation system is a system in which an individual debtor who is in an insolvent state due to excessive debt or is at risk of insolvency can be exempted from the remaining debts by deducting the cost of living from the monthly average and repaying the remaining amount for 3 years.
Advantages of the personal rehabilitation system
1. Principal indemnity is possible without the consent of the creditor.
2. All debts are subject to reconciliation. (Including bonds and private finance)
3. The qualifications of public officials, teachers, doctors, and corporate executives are maintained.
4. You can stop or ban creditors' demands and collection actions (provisional seizure, compulsory execution).

If you are discharged, you can have your entire debt discharged.
After the discharge, bad credit records are deleted and various seizures can be released.
Normal bank transaction deposits, savings accounts, insurance, and subscription savings are all possible.
There is no record of bankruptcy, so you can get a job anywhere.
There is absolutely no disadvantage for children and families. You can also collect your own fortune.
Through personal rehabilitation counseling by Road Advisor, you can even consult privately with a law firm after confirming your qualifications in 30 seconds. Check out the possibilities through a free consultation and don't give up hope!

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#Individual Rehabilitation Procedure #Individual Rehabilitation Method #Individual Bankruptcy Process #Individual Rehabilitation Application Qualifications #Individual Rehabilitation Bankruptcy

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