Heathaways 175 sharpshooter *backporch plinking

3 years ago

Healthways made four basic CO2 pistols, the Plainsman, the Plainsmaster, the Shorty and the Western. They also made two rifles. Heathaways best known the plainsman 175 co2 pistol.

Then In 1973 Heathway produced another pistol, a spring/piston powered one, first called the Sharpshooter then the Topscore. Although it was little BB repeater, The whole barrel and action were raised to force back the piston which was located in the gun's butt. The BB magazine was accessed through a hopper under the barrel, a system found mostly on Sharpshooters. The later model, theTopscore featured a slide on top of the barrel.

The one pictured here is fantastic condition.  It shot before it was cleaned and oiled. a few screw tightened. left to sit overnight. Tested over crony 10 shots averaged 318fps.

The Plainsman 175 sharpshooter is so much fun to shoot in a compact sleek pistol. A very innovative and thought out design, something different

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