Daisy 102 36 *backporch plinking

3 years ago

Plymouth Michigan marked Daisy No. 102 Model 36 with a nickel finish. They were manufactured between 1941 & 1942, then again between 1945 & 1947. It features a wood stock, stepped barrel and a 500 shot gravity fed magazine. 177 BB caliber, lever action, 500 shot repeater. This is a steal, cast-iron and wood BB gun

The Daisy no. 101 and 102 are “Depression Era” guns that were first made in 1933. They were just the Markham King 2233 gun re-branded as a Daisy no. 101 model 33. The 500 shot no.102 was also released in 1933. Both guns were reissued with longer barrels in 1936 and were named “Model 36”. The shot tubes on the later 1936 models were removable the no.102 Model 33 which was peened and not removable.

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