EP21 WYV Take Care of Yourself FIRST! with Naomy De Peña and the Hope to Courage Team

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Original airdate: February 8, 2022
“We cannot legislate people into hope. We cannot legislate people out of fear”
Naomy De Peña
This is being re- aired as a reminder to all who listen that self care is VERY important!
No matter what the circumstances are, no matter how impossible the situation seems, a better, more cared for YOU will meet the challenge with more vigor. Take care of yourself FIRST!
This may come as a surprise to many of us who want to make a positive difference on this planet — but the way you make a difference is by taking good care of yourself first! In this week's “What's Your View” guests Naomy De Peña, Jamard Banks, Tim “The Sackman” Manthey, Daniel D'Elia, Samya Santos and John Salama talk about several wise principles of life that lead to peace and satisfaction. Be sure to tune in!
Hope to courage Team contacts:
Hope To Courage
Daniel D'Elia
Herbal Kemistry
Tim The SackMan
Samya Santos
#myblackhealth #hopetocourage #selfcare #selflove #love #loveyourself #blacklove #mentalhealth #earthing #grounding #skincare #motivation #beauty #wellness #health #positivevibes #inspiration #happiness #mindfulness #life #healing #fitness #instagood #positivity #meditation #happy #mindset #yourself #healthylifestyle #depression

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